Tuesday, 5 June 2012

RE: I was into the Humble Bundle before it was cool

For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, This post is what I'm referring to.


There is one thing I love doing above all other things. No, it's not going to sleep and waking up refreshed every morning, or seeing my friends after weeks upon weeks of them going to uni, and me working. Its that other thing: Giving things to people, and even more than that? Giving to charity. A couple of months ago, I donated $20 to EB Games Starlight Foundation. Time after that? A friend needed help paying a bill, so I sent her PayPal money. This time around? I donated to the Humble Bundle. I donated $90 United States Dollars, (Even going so far as to pay the fees) and was pretty happy to recieve 5 games out of it. I already owned Amnesia beforehand, but who cares! I also decided I would go and donate even more afterwards, so I could give away some codes online. I won't say how many codes I gave away, and in hindsight should've saved some for IRL friends, but that is beside the point. I admitted I was a brony in my past post, and my "Jimmies" were rustled that time, but when I saw the post "I was into the Humble Bundle before it was cool" there was even more to be had.

I simply don't understand how this guy can take a drive for CHARITY, and turn it into a slam against My Little Pony fans. Truly, I don't. Lets back up for just a moment, and be clear. I am your normal everyday 19 year old, struggling to get money this year so he can go to University and study. I put out the hard yards at my work, being the first to raise my hand if someone wants to turnover a shift onto someone else. I'm trying to get my License, and already own a car. I have my own expenses to pay. Board, my share of electricity and Internet, and soon fuel, maintaining my car, and others. Yet I still somehow find the money to hand over to those who need it. I find the money to give to friends. I find the money to go out, have fun. But the difference is with me and the next Tom, Dick, or Harry, is that I enjoy My Little Pony. And I'll be honest. I used to stay pretty quiet about it. Now I don't mind.

This blog post, by the online alias of "RABicle" disgusts me. Not in the fact that he's attacking bronies and putting up pointless shit about us that is irrelevant to even his own TITLE of the post, but the simple fact that he's so upset about missing a game, because the average Donation is $7:50 US Dollars, and because of it, can't get Bastion unless he pays it.

You scum. Do you know what the Humble Bundle is even remotely about? Its not about your pimple-covered arse playing a heap of game dirt cheap. Its about charity. And to sit there and attack bronies, because you don't want to spend less than $2 a game, then get one for free, is dispicable. How dare you. In fact, I laugh at you, RABicle. Want to know why? Because somewhere along your pathetic excuse of an attack, I agreed with you somewhere along the lines. $10 is not a lot of money. Thats a weeks pocket money to a 10 year old. To sit there and say that you could get 4 Mountain Dews with that money? I agree! wholeheartedly agree. But then you say we have to pool our money together because we're on welfare? That hardly makes any sense. If anything, what you've described is the opposite, because you're the one complaining about not being able to get a free game, if you donate $8.

This guy is complaining about Bronies doing the right thing so much, he even shows the world the infamous "Lyra Plushie" with that hole. I'm not going to post it here, but its in the other blog. And what was that little piece of wording he placed below?

Typical merchandise for bronies.

I'll be the first person to say to the world I am honestly repulsed by that plushie. To say that this is "Typical Merchandise" is nothing more than an ignorant ploy to try and squeeze out any support for a group of guys who this guy says is DONATING TOO MUCH TO CHARITY? Forgive me, but I have to say it: My Brain is Full of Fuck.

He also seems to believe that bronies all seem to have Twitter accounts with a whole heap of followers. I'm sorry, but you're an idiot and your logic is HORRIBLY flawed here. Lets go out for a moment and say your theory is right. That I have 2,000 Active Followers on my account, @ItsDKoda, and Every single person donates $1 to me, so I can go out and jack the price up on the Indie Bundle. Right there is where you've missed the point. You're saying that bronies are donating. This is true. But we don't want to stop people from enjoying anything. If you're so upset about missing out on a copy of Bastion, allow me to just donate the bare minimum so that I can give you a copy. $8 is not a lot.

Again, I'll say it. $8 is not a lot of money. So to say you support the Indie Bundle, but won't part with $8 for 5 games? Thats pitiful. Even if this is a troll post, you're attacking charity, and thats one I won't put up with. Bronies? Ehh, we cop it. We cop it good. But this is charity I'm more concerned about. You're using bronies to say "Ohhh, thats too much money!"

You aren't supporting jack shit with that attitude. And to call any group of fans terrorists, and above that, calling a group of fans donating to charity that same thing?

Inhumane. Thats all I'm saying. Even if you're trolling, there's no excuse for complaining this way. Shame on you, and I hope you realise what you've written.