For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, This post is what I'm referring to.
There is one thing I love doing above all other things. No, it's not going to sleep and waking up refreshed every morning, or seeing my friends after weeks upon weeks of them going to uni, and me working. Its that other thing: Giving things to people, and even more than that? Giving to charity. A couple of months ago, I donated $20 to EB Games Starlight Foundation. Time after that? A friend needed help paying a bill, so I sent her PayPal money. This time around? I donated to the Humble Bundle. I donated $90 United States Dollars, (Even going so far as to pay the fees) and was pretty happy to recieve 5 games out of it. I already owned Amnesia beforehand, but who cares! I also decided I would go and donate even more afterwards, so I could give away some codes online. I won't say how many codes I gave away, and in hindsight should've saved some for IRL friends, but that is beside the point. I admitted I was a brony in my past post, and my "Jimmies" were rustled that time, but when I saw the post "I was into the Humble Bundle before it was cool" there was even more to be had.
I simply don't understand how this guy can take a drive for CHARITY, and turn it into a slam against My Little Pony fans. Truly, I don't. Lets back up for just a moment, and be clear. I am your normal everyday 19 year old, struggling to get money this year so he can go to University and study. I put out the hard yards at my work, being the first to raise my hand if someone wants to turnover a shift onto someone else. I'm trying to get my License, and already own a car. I have my own expenses to pay. Board, my share of electricity and Internet, and soon fuel, maintaining my car, and others. Yet I still somehow find the money to hand over to those who need it. I find the money to give to friends. I find the money to go out, have fun. But the difference is with me and the next Tom, Dick, or Harry, is that I enjoy My Little Pony. And I'll be honest. I used to stay pretty quiet about it. Now I don't mind.
This blog post, by the online alias of "RABicle" disgusts me. Not in the fact that he's attacking bronies and putting up pointless shit about us that is irrelevant to even his own TITLE of the post, but the simple fact that he's so upset about missing a game, because the average Donation is $7:50 US Dollars, and because of it, can't get Bastion unless he pays it.
You scum. Do you know what the Humble Bundle is even remotely about? Its not about your pimple-covered arse playing a heap of game dirt cheap. Its about charity. And to sit there and attack bronies, because you don't want to spend less than $2 a game, then get one for free, is dispicable. How dare you. In fact, I laugh at you, RABicle. Want to know why? Because somewhere along your pathetic excuse of an attack, I agreed with you somewhere along the lines. $10 is not a lot of money. Thats a weeks pocket money to a 10 year old. To sit there and say that you could get 4 Mountain Dews with that money? I agree! wholeheartedly agree. But then you say we have to pool our money together because we're on welfare? That hardly makes any sense. If anything, what you've described is the opposite, because you're the one complaining about not being able to get a free game, if you donate $8.
This guy is complaining about Bronies doing the right thing so much, he even shows the world the infamous "Lyra Plushie" with that hole. I'm not going to post it here, but its in the other blog. And what was that little piece of wording he placed below?
Typical merchandise for bronies.
I'll be the first person to say to the world I am honestly repulsed by that plushie. To say that this is "Typical Merchandise" is nothing more than an ignorant ploy to try and squeeze out any support for a group of guys who this guy says is DONATING TOO MUCH TO CHARITY? Forgive me, but I have to say it: My Brain is Full of Fuck.
He also seems to believe that bronies all seem to have Twitter accounts with a whole heap of followers. I'm sorry, but you're an idiot and your logic is HORRIBLY flawed here. Lets go out for a moment and say your theory is right. That I have 2,000 Active Followers on my account, @ItsDKoda, and Every single person donates $1 to me, so I can go out and jack the price up on the Indie Bundle. Right there is where you've missed the point. You're saying that bronies are donating. This is true. But we don't want to stop people from enjoying anything. If you're so upset about missing out on a copy of Bastion, allow me to just donate the bare minimum so that I can give you a copy. $8 is not a lot.
Again, I'll say it. $8 is not a lot of money. So to say you support the Indie Bundle, but won't part with $8 for 5 games? Thats pitiful. Even if this is a troll post, you're attacking charity, and thats one I won't put up with. Bronies? Ehh, we cop it. We cop it good. But this is charity I'm more concerned about. You're using bronies to say "Ohhh, thats too much money!"
You aren't supporting jack shit with that attitude. And to call any group of fans terrorists, and above that, calling a group of fans donating to charity that same thing?
Inhumane. Thats all I'm saying. Even if you're trolling, there's no excuse for complaining this way. Shame on you, and I hope you realise what you've written.
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
RE: Terrifying new trend: Grown men who dig 'My Little Pony'
Ladies and Gentlemen, before I begin this reply, I figure you should all take a look at This Link before I go any further.
My name is Darren. And I am your typical 19 year old male. I work, I like to hang out with friends, I play video games. Sound familiar right? Of course it does.
But then, not all 19 year old males like My Little Pony. Or to be more precise, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. And I will agree. I'm not the everyday run of the mill male that goes off wishing he could join the army and fight off terrorists. But I will support them, because they're supporting us, and supporting us all equally, as equal beings.
When I saw this article "Terrifying new trend: Grown men who dig 'My Little Pony'" Written by a man called Kurt Schlichter, I thought of it as yet another person who hadn't really gotten to know anything about the show or the fans, and as I read it, it became clear as day, that this man had no idea what a "Brony" was, or even what show he was even talking about. So, I think I'll fill in the missing gaps, that this man has either ignored or failed to mention.
The first thing I notice from the article Schlichter has written, is the picture, shown above. Would you believe me, if I said that this wasn't the My Little Pony that Bronies are interested in? Because this is the truth. We're not interested in that. I don't even know what the hell those ponies are, but I can tell you that they're not "our" ponies. Our ponies are very different. To name the most commonly known ponies, we have Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. There are notable differences between the Generation 4 series (Friendship is Magic) and the previous generations of My Little Pony. If it isn't already blaringly obvious, the drawing styles are as different as they possibly can be. In fact, I'd go so far as to call them entirely different shows, based on the drawing styles alone. In fact, lets emphasise this. I couldn't find the original opening for Generation Three, but lets take a quick look at this rather amusing video, showing the clear difference between Generation Three "Rainbow Dash" and Generation Four Rainbow Dash - VIDEO
Not convinced? Maybe Rainbow Dash DOES "Dress in style" in Friendship is Magic? Well, let me squash that. Lauren Faust (The original developer of Friendship is Magic) Had originally planned for her favorite pony, Fyre Flye (Wild Guess as to how I figured that out) was meant to be in the Friendship is Magic version of the show. However, due to copyright concerns, Fyre Flye was unable to be put in. So Faust took Rainbow Dash, an Earth pony, and gave her Fyre Flyes wings, and personality. Now, I'm sure that if Schlichter has indeed done his research, he will have done it on the wrong generation of the the pony TV show, and watched Generation Three, with this Pink coloured pony, Fyre Flye. Let it be known, that I am yet to come across a brony, who likes that generation of My Little Pony TV show and toys. I'm being serious. I call myself a brony myself, but I honestly do not like the previous generations. For lack of a better way to describe them. they're just way too girly.
Does it sound hypocritical? From first glance, yes. Yes, you could say it looks very hypocritical.
Or is it? VIDEO
Did you guys know, that that particular episode, was in Season One, Episode Two. What do we see? Rarity, who in the show is the glamour queen and makes tons of dresses, kicking a GIANT MONSTER IN THE FACE and saying "Take That, You Ruffian!" Yes. This was aimed at young girls. Does anyone see why that 3 second clip could even remotely pique a males interest? Its not guns and death, but it is violence nonetheless.
But thats just one small clip. Surely that can't be it. VIDEO
Again, you're right. It is one small clip. But thats not all there is. This clip was from Season Two, Episode One. And its simple what this one is. Its a character in a cracking statue, laughing evilly. Evil Laughter. For a show targeted at little girls!
Alright, but he got beaten, and nothing truly bad happened. Discord just liked to cause chaos, not harm anyone. LONG VIDEO
Again, You're right. But if you take a look at that episode, The "Mane 6" (That is to say, Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack and Fluttershy) are fighting against a massive group of "Changelings" in the finale of Season two. Here, we see a two minute long fight sequence. 6 on seemingly an infinite amount of monsters, that have taken over the appearances of the Mane 6. All out brawls are meant for Eight year old girls? I'm sorry, I don't see how that is possible. Prior to this fighting scene, we had Queen Chrysalis overpower the ruler of Equestria, Princess Celestia. Before that, we had three ponies that were being mind controlled by Chrysalis. Wouldn't you say that would scare most girls? I would say so. Using the argument of "My Little Pony is only for little girls" is null and void, when you are talking about Friendship is Magic.
Allow me to quote Schlichters own article
I have another VIDEO to counter this, as well as my own rebuttal. Because I feel it deserves it. Lets compare bronyism, to being a homosexual. I can't help but think that this person has only had a first impression. So, lets pretend for a moment, that the quote above, is targeted at not the brony community, but the gay community. Still think this guy is pretty right? I don't think so. We ought to be ashamed of ourselves because of who we are, and what we like. I could go so far as to say that this very mentality was used by Hitler, thinking that Jews shouldn't exist, and be secretive, and where did he end up? What right did Hitler have, forcing his opinions on others? What right did Hitler have, to say "You shouldn't be like this."
The answer is simple: He didn't. Hitler thought Jews were shameful. Clearly, so does Schlichter. And frankly, ideals like those are simply not respected in the 21st century anymore. Wake up. Women are equals now. You can make your own sandwiches.
But lets go out for a moment. Lets say, for just a moment, Schlichter is right. That he has every right to force his ideals onto everyone, and we should all listen to him and agree.
My name is Darren. And I am your typical 19 year old male. I work, I like to hang out with friends, I play video games. Sound familiar right? Of course it does.
But then, not all 19 year old males like My Little Pony. Or to be more precise, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. And I will agree. I'm not the everyday run of the mill male that goes off wishing he could join the army and fight off terrorists. But I will support them, because they're supporting us, and supporting us all equally, as equal beings.
When I saw this article "Terrifying new trend: Grown men who dig 'My Little Pony'" Written by a man called Kurt Schlichter, I thought of it as yet another person who hadn't really gotten to know anything about the show or the fans, and as I read it, it became clear as day, that this man had no idea what a "Brony" was, or even what show he was even talking about. So, I think I'll fill in the missing gaps, that this man has either ignored or failed to mention.
Not convinced? Maybe Rainbow Dash DOES "Dress in style" in Friendship is Magic? Well, let me squash that. Lauren Faust (The original developer of Friendship is Magic) Had originally planned for her favorite pony, Fyre Flye (Wild Guess as to how I figured that out) was meant to be in the Friendship is Magic version of the show. However, due to copyright concerns, Fyre Flye was unable to be put in. So Faust took Rainbow Dash, an Earth pony, and gave her Fyre Flyes wings, and personality. Now, I'm sure that if Schlichter has indeed done his research, he will have done it on the wrong generation of the the pony TV show, and watched Generation Three, with this Pink coloured pony, Fyre Flye. Let it be known, that I am yet to come across a brony, who likes that generation of My Little Pony TV show and toys. I'm being serious. I call myself a brony myself, but I honestly do not like the previous generations. For lack of a better way to describe them. they're just way too girly.
Does it sound hypocritical? From first glance, yes. Yes, you could say it looks very hypocritical.
Or is it? VIDEO
Did you guys know, that that particular episode, was in Season One, Episode Two. What do we see? Rarity, who in the show is the glamour queen and makes tons of dresses, kicking a GIANT MONSTER IN THE FACE and saying "Take That, You Ruffian!" Yes. This was aimed at young girls. Does anyone see why that 3 second clip could even remotely pique a males interest? Its not guns and death, but it is violence nonetheless.
But thats just one small clip. Surely that can't be it. VIDEO
Again, you're right. It is one small clip. But thats not all there is. This clip was from Season Two, Episode One. And its simple what this one is. Its a character in a cracking statue, laughing evilly. Evil Laughter. For a show targeted at little girls!
Alright, but he got beaten, and nothing truly bad happened. Discord just liked to cause chaos, not harm anyone. LONG VIDEO
Again, You're right. But if you take a look at that episode, The "Mane 6" (That is to say, Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack and Fluttershy) are fighting against a massive group of "Changelings" in the finale of Season two. Here, we see a two minute long fight sequence. 6 on seemingly an infinite amount of monsters, that have taken over the appearances of the Mane 6. All out brawls are meant for Eight year old girls? I'm sorry, I don't see how that is possible. Prior to this fighting scene, we had Queen Chrysalis overpower the ruler of Equestria, Princess Celestia. Before that, we had three ponies that were being mind controlled by Chrysalis. Wouldn't you say that would scare most girls? I would say so. Using the argument of "My Little Pony is only for little girls" is null and void, when you are talking about Friendship is Magic.
Allow me to quote Schlichters own article
"Yeah, some will say it’s unfair to compare a bunch of harmless fem-boys who stopped maturing at age seven with the heroic men and women facing death or dismemberment on all our behalves every day. People who say that are wrong. These perma-virgins ought to be ashamed of themselves, but if they had the capacity for shame, this disgusting obsession would be a secret they guard almost as closely as a Harvard faculty member might guard the fact that he’s a registered Republican."
I have another VIDEO to counter this, as well as my own rebuttal. Because I feel it deserves it. Lets compare bronyism, to being a homosexual. I can't help but think that this person has only had a first impression. So, lets pretend for a moment, that the quote above, is targeted at not the brony community, but the gay community. Still think this guy is pretty right? I don't think so. We ought to be ashamed of ourselves because of who we are, and what we like. I could go so far as to say that this very mentality was used by Hitler, thinking that Jews shouldn't exist, and be secretive, and where did he end up? What right did Hitler have, forcing his opinions on others? What right did Hitler have, to say "You shouldn't be like this."
The answer is simple: He didn't. Hitler thought Jews were shameful. Clearly, so does Schlichter. And frankly, ideals like those are simply not respected in the 21st century anymore. Wake up. Women are equals now. You can make your own sandwiches.
But lets go out for a moment. Lets say, for just a moment, Schlichter is right. That he has every right to force his ideals onto everyone, and we should all listen to him and agree.
Perhaps now it’s time for Hollywood to get a bit more judgmental. Perhaps it’s time to say, “Hey, glad you like the show, but it’s for little girls and maybe you man-children ought to find something better to do with your lives. Which would be anything.”
Let me go fetch my bong and start sniffing cocaine. Because everyone has to be the same, right? Because being a brony is so sickeningly wrong, that it is worse that smoking pot, or going out to a bar just to get into a punch on? Taking drugs like heroin is perfectly fine in his book.
Mister Schlichter? You're an idiot. Let me ask you, what is wrong with being a brony? What is wrong with a group of people, liking a TV Show? What is wrong, with a group of people who stand by the idea of "Love And Tolerance?" What is wrong with people thinking that there could be more happiness in the world? A group of people, that believe people shouldn't be judged, based on race, gender, clothes, whether or not they like to eat chocolate, buy as many shoes as they can, or watch a cartoon with a different demographic target? Come on. Lets be realistic. Society, and the world, is changing. Honestly? We could all do well with a little more understanding and care for one another, instead of attacking a group of people for what they like to do.
My name is Darren. I am a brony. And I couldn't be prouder.
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Rant 1. BEGIN!
Before I begin, I'd like to say that everything I post here, will never be cut off, or edited. Whatever I post here, is as is pure as it gets, straight from my heart, but lets cut to the point. This blog is here for one reason.
-Write whatever comes to my mind whenever I get angry or happy about something.
This can be a number of items, but for now, lets just start of with Society. Whats wrong with society? Well, there are many things that go through my mind... but the first thing that comes up is Complete and Utter Stupidity.
Everyone, I would like you all to meet the reason people pay taxes. Morons. Complete and utter morons.
For those that don't know (And I spit on your sense of life if you don't) The RMS Titanic was a large cruise liner, fit to carry over 3,000 people (A large amount in those days) thich tragically sunk after hitting an iceburg in 1915, and is known as one of the most tragic peacetime disasters in history, in fact, its SO WELL KNOWN that it spawned many books, and even a movie based on the tragedy.
But to be fair, this is a complete misunderstanding. These people have been around the media for so long, that it was enveloped into their brains that everything they see (Minus whatever is on the news or learnt in school) is fake. In fact, not only is it the media, it is also their educations that have failed them. And being one of their generation, I can tell you right now that the education system currently in place (At least in Australia) has failed many. However, I am lucky. I have a grandfather who taught me about history. I am lucky that I've always found it interesting to what people have to say, provided they want to say it, and they're not forced to for a paycheck (Which is probably why I loved it so much when people went offtopic and start talking about other things, like a science teacher talking about how much they loved the latest Simpsons episode for 20 minutes of a class). And for those beginning to wonder, I do classify schools as a form of media, because it is there to try and teach or show you things that you wouldn't find out about normally. These souls have unfortunately disregarded so much as "fiction" so early in their lives, and didn't bother to ask questions. In fact, does anyone notice that Belieber in the middle? Their exact tweet is:
"Didnt know Titanic actually happened :O i thought it was just a film!"
Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Not only has this person already failed their English test (And I have no doubt in my mind that English would be their first language), but they've proven both my points. That A: She's got fuck all education (If you can't capitalise an I or put an apostrophe in didn't, then you have failed your English) and B: The Titanic wasn't on the news, so she thought it was fictitious. Also? She's a belieber. Thats another thing that pisses me off, but I'll probably go into those in another ragefilled blog post. But girl? I have no problems with you listening to Bieber. In fact, while I am definitely not a belieber, I encourage people to do what they love - IN MODERATION. Its a good thing to do what you love, but lets not lose sleep over anything completely and utterly retarded. This is what I find that pisses me off about Beliebers (And OneDirectioners, so if you're one of these groups, listen the fuck up, because you don't do anyone any favours for your fandoms with what the majority of you do). For anyone who was on Twitter about 2 weeks before "Boyfriend" came out, it was an aggrivating, horrible, HORRIBLE 2 weeks of Justin Bieber top trends. And I'm not talking about 1 trend that went on for a day. I'm being honest. Beliebers did the 2 weeks until Boyfriend trend for the first day, then died down, until there were 10 days.
The list goes on. I'm being serious, and I was getting sick of it by day 8. But by now, Twitter had realised that Beliebers were taking the top trends, and for a while, blocked them. This was a breath of fresh air, and for about 3 hours, There was no Bieber in those trends.
Introducing "Bustin Jeiber." I'm not kidding. These guys DELIBERATELY go AROUND the PRECAUTIONS set BY TWITTER, to make the 99% of the people that don't give a fuck know, that they love a person that probably 50% of them will never even see in their lives. And of those 50% that DO see him, less than 10% will talk to him face to face, or by a phone call. Now, if you guys do manage to get about 3 minutes of straight conversation without any forcing, or pushing, or screaming, and he responds, and you actually CHAT for a while, Congratulations. I will respect you, provided you stop spending all that pocket money on posters, CDs, Tickets to see his capitalistic bullshit documentary movie, and stop paying for his fucking Ferrari. You want in his pants? Guess what? Thats not going to happen either. Stop looking for (And you morons made this word yourselves) Bieberconda, and pull your fucking pants up. You're not doing Generation Y/Z any favours, you jerkdicks.
Now, before people get shitty with me and say "Hey Koda, You're a brony. I know you've bought My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic merchandise, and you haven't met Lauren Faust or Tara Strong." And you know what? You'd be right. I am a brony, and I'm a proud brony. In fact, In real life (Except maybe after this blog post) you could say I'm a closet brony, and I'm proud of that. But, to be fair, I've spent... 10 dollars at the most on myself, buying merchandise from the show. How is this any different? Well, there are many things that separate myself (And the vast majority of bronies) from Beliebers. We don't go trending pointless shit on Twitter. We don't pay shittons of money so that one person can sit living lavish with his Ferrari. We respect others. And probably the most important thing is this: "Love and Tolerance."
To many a brony, the whole "Love and Tolerance" thing is a joke. Yes, it is true. But then there are the bronies that I relate to. The ones I speak to. The ones I've befriended, and somewhere along the line, we do hold the whole "Love and Tolerance" thing as true. Myself? I tend to look more on the "Tolerate" side of things. Sometimes you just can't "Love" a person, no matter how much you want to try. You simply can't. And while this is tragic, this is the 21st Century. Not everyone is as jolly as they were years before, and to be blatantly honest, it is tragic. You can think of me as a "Nostalgic Brony" Where I look at MLP:FiM and see the cartoons of old. Popeye, Tom and Jerry, Flintstones, PowerPuff Girls. I enjoy the scripting, the artistic animation, the voice acting, the time and effort put into it.
Then there are those that spend maybe 20 minutes on Lyrics to a song. And I'll go straight out to you Beliebers and do this as a little bit of a "Wake Up" turn of things. Allow me to put up a couple of lyrics to Beibers "Hit" new song, Boyfriend.
"Girlfriend, girlfriend, you could be my girlfriend
You could be my girlfriend until the ---- world ends"
-Write whatever comes to my mind whenever I get angry or happy about something.
Everyone, I would like you all to meet the reason people pay taxes. Morons. Complete and utter morons.
For those that don't know (And I spit on your sense of life if you don't) The RMS Titanic was a large cruise liner, fit to carry over 3,000 people (A large amount in those days) thich tragically sunk after hitting an iceburg in 1915, and is known as one of the most tragic peacetime disasters in history, in fact, its SO WELL KNOWN that it spawned many books, and even a movie based on the tragedy.
But to be fair, this is a complete misunderstanding. These people have been around the media for so long, that it was enveloped into their brains that everything they see (Minus whatever is on the news or learnt in school) is fake. In fact, not only is it the media, it is also their educations that have failed them. And being one of their generation, I can tell you right now that the education system currently in place (At least in Australia) has failed many. However, I am lucky. I have a grandfather who taught me about history. I am lucky that I've always found it interesting to what people have to say, provided they want to say it, and they're not forced to for a paycheck (Which is probably why I loved it so much when people went offtopic and start talking about other things, like a science teacher talking about how much they loved the latest Simpsons episode for 20 minutes of a class). And for those beginning to wonder, I do classify schools as a form of media, because it is there to try and teach or show you things that you wouldn't find out about normally. These souls have unfortunately disregarded so much as "fiction" so early in their lives, and didn't bother to ask questions. In fact, does anyone notice that Belieber in the middle? Their exact tweet is:
"Didnt know Titanic actually happened :O i thought it was just a film!"
Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Not only has this person already failed their English test (And I have no doubt in my mind that English would be their first language), but they've proven both my points. That A: She's got fuck all education (If you can't capitalise an I or put an apostrophe in didn't, then you have failed your English) and B: The Titanic wasn't on the news, so she thought it was fictitious. Also? She's a belieber. Thats another thing that pisses me off, but I'll probably go into those in another ragefilled blog post. But girl? I have no problems with you listening to Bieber. In fact, while I am definitely not a belieber, I encourage people to do what they love - IN MODERATION. Its a good thing to do what you love, but lets not lose sleep over anything completely and utterly retarded. This is what I find that pisses me off about Beliebers (And OneDirectioners, so if you're one of these groups, listen the fuck up, because you don't do anyone any favours for your fandoms with what the majority of you do). For anyone who was on Twitter about 2 weeks before "Boyfriend" came out, it was an aggrivating, horrible, HORRIBLE 2 weeks of Justin Bieber top trends. And I'm not talking about 1 trend that went on for a day. I'm being honest. Beliebers did the 2 weeks until Boyfriend trend for the first day, then died down, until there were 10 days.
The list goes on. I'm being serious, and I was getting sick of it by day 8. But by now, Twitter had realised that Beliebers were taking the top trends, and for a while, blocked them. This was a breath of fresh air, and for about 3 hours, There was no Bieber in those trends.
Introducing "Bustin Jeiber." I'm not kidding. These guys DELIBERATELY go AROUND the PRECAUTIONS set BY TWITTER, to make the 99% of the people that don't give a fuck know, that they love a person that probably 50% of them will never even see in their lives. And of those 50% that DO see him, less than 10% will talk to him face to face, or by a phone call. Now, if you guys do manage to get about 3 minutes of straight conversation without any forcing, or pushing, or screaming, and he responds, and you actually CHAT for a while, Congratulations. I will respect you, provided you stop spending all that pocket money on posters, CDs, Tickets to see his capitalistic bullshit documentary movie, and stop paying for his fucking Ferrari. You want in his pants? Guess what? Thats not going to happen either. Stop looking for (And you morons made this word yourselves) Bieberconda, and pull your fucking pants up. You're not doing Generation Y/Z any favours, you jerkdicks.
Now, before people get shitty with me and say "Hey Koda, You're a brony. I know you've bought My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic merchandise, and you haven't met Lauren Faust or Tara Strong." And you know what? You'd be right. I am a brony, and I'm a proud brony. In fact, In real life (Except maybe after this blog post) you could say I'm a closet brony, and I'm proud of that. But, to be fair, I've spent... 10 dollars at the most on myself, buying merchandise from the show. How is this any different? Well, there are many things that separate myself (And the vast majority of bronies) from Beliebers. We don't go trending pointless shit on Twitter. We don't pay shittons of money so that one person can sit living lavish with his Ferrari. We respect others. And probably the most important thing is this: "Love and Tolerance."
To many a brony, the whole "Love and Tolerance" thing is a joke. Yes, it is true. But then there are the bronies that I relate to. The ones I speak to. The ones I've befriended, and somewhere along the line, we do hold the whole "Love and Tolerance" thing as true. Myself? I tend to look more on the "Tolerate" side of things. Sometimes you just can't "Love" a person, no matter how much you want to try. You simply can't. And while this is tragic, this is the 21st Century. Not everyone is as jolly as they were years before, and to be blatantly honest, it is tragic. You can think of me as a "Nostalgic Brony" Where I look at MLP:FiM and see the cartoons of old. Popeye, Tom and Jerry, Flintstones, PowerPuff Girls. I enjoy the scripting, the artistic animation, the voice acting, the time and effort put into it.
Then there are those that spend maybe 20 minutes on Lyrics to a song. And I'll go straight out to you Beliebers and do this as a little bit of a "Wake Up" turn of things. Allow me to put up a couple of lyrics to Beibers "Hit" new song, Boyfriend.
"Girlfriend, girlfriend, you could be my girlfriend
You could be my girlfriend until the ---- world ends"
No. Just No. See, this is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. These fuckers are brainwashing these kids with false hopes. Lets stop lying to ourselves. The record companies know EXACTLY what target audience they need to hit - Teenage girls who are starting or are going through puberty. When their minds are starting to think "I like men" and "Hey! I have a vagina and a pair of ovaries! I should use them!" And thats what this is. This is the record companies saying "We have a man here. He has a penis. You could be his girlfriend. Be his biggest fan possible, and maybe you'll get a chance to have him in bed!" Yes, I'm exaggerating, but its very little. Remember when songs meant to mean logical things and not "How do I steal the most money from the world"? Yeah. Those were the best days. I've listened to the song, and it is TERRIBLE. I could have written this. And I'll be honest, Bieber, while being (Somewhat) attractive, Has got Zero Talent in singing. And you know what? Lets put another verse in... say.. the last one?
Na na na, na na na, na na na
Ya girl
Na na na, na na na, na na na ey
Na na na, na na na, na na na ey
Na na na, na na na, na na na ey
If I was your boyfriend
Ya girl
Na na na, na na na, na na na ey
Na na na, na na na, na na na ey
Na na na, na na na, na na na ey
If I was your boyfriend
What the fuck is that? Seriously? Did the singwriter just fall asleep and start mashing his keyboard, then copy and paste it or something? Since when was "Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Ey" Classified as a lyric? Not only that, Thats MORE THAN HALF of the final verse. I'm going to go back to what I said before, about songs actually meaning something. Even better were the songs that meant something, but CHANGED THEIR MEANING depending on the way they were thought about. For instance, Hotel California, by The Eagles. All time greatest hit. What does the song mean? For me, without even listening to it, I notice that the person is trapped. "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave." And this is true. Lets look at how many ways we can put a single line, into a different context
-Life (You can check out and die, but you will never leave those who are living)
-Drugs (You can stop, but the damage will always be there)
-Certain Accidents (They're quick to check out on, but again, the damage will always be there.)
Thats just three, and they're broad as fuck from the top of my head. What do you think of? Thats what I first think of.
I've started to get very tired now, so I'm just going to stop, and let this blog post die. I'll probably write again, when something else sparks me.
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